To use Pick and Collect


We start from the premise that not everyone was born with a computer or tablet in hand. That’s why we designed and programmed our Pick and Collect app to be as user-friendly as possible.

And to make your life even easier, we provide guidance so that even those who are computer-averse can feel completely comfortable with our products.

Aide Pick and Collect FR

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4. Using my 'Pick and Collect'

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Point of sale

You have already set up your point of sale during the initial setup. However, if you wish to make any changes, click on the small black pencil icon to edit your point of sale information.

If you have enabled ‘I manage at least 2 points of sale’ in the options, you can create up to 5 points of sale. To create another point of sale, click on the ‘New Record’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.


You configured your first department during the initial setup. If you wish to modify it, click on the small black pencil icon.

To create another department, click on the ‘New Record’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.


During the initial setup, you were unable to create suppliers.

To create a supplier, click on the ‘New Record’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.

Fill in the details of your supplier, then click the blue ‘Save’ button to add it to your Pick and Collect.

Click on image to enlarge it.


You configured your first product during the initial setup, BUT…

  1. Your product doesn’t have a photo yet. Our advice: take the time to take a nice photo of all your products to showcase them and make your customers even more eager to buy them.
  2. Add a photo of your product by clicking on its name (see instructions below).
  3. If you want to edit the information about your product, click on the small black pencil.

In the information to be edited, you can, for example, link your product to one of the suppliers you have created. To do this:

  1. Select the supplier from the dropdown list.
  2. Click the blue ‘Save’ button.

To create another product, click on the ‘New Record’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.

Add a photo.

On your computer, choose the photo you want to use to illustrate your product and drag it onto the light gray square.

If you prefer, click on the light gray square. This will open a window that allows you to select the image you want to use to illustrate your product.

Click on image to enlarge it.

Your photo is now displayed on your screen. Click on the small pencil icon if you want to edit it.

If it looks good to you as is, click on the small button just to the right of the small pencil to save your image to your Pick and Collect, then click on the blue ‘Back to Products’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.

  1. You can crop the image by clicking on the ‘small white circles’ at the 4 corners and on the 4 edges of the image.
  2. You can rotate your image by clicking on the small button.
  3. Once everything looks good to you, save your changes by clicking the ‘Confirm’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.

  1. Now save your image to your Pick and Collect.
  2. Click the blue ‘Back to Products’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.

Excel Import

Pick and Collect offers you the option to import your products in bulk from an Excel file.

However, please make sure to use the Excel file we provide, as it is structured to fit our system perfectly.

To create your customized Excel file, click on the link ‘Click here’ below ‘Download my Excel template’.

Click on image to enlarge it.

To build your Excel template file, click the blue ‘Export to Excel’ button. This process may take a few seconds.

Click on image to enlarge it.

Your patience is rewarded: your Excel file is now build. Click the blue ‘Download’ button to get your customized Excel file.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

You open your downloaded Excel file from the previous step and fill it with your products in part 2 of the illustration.

For units, you can select one from the dropdown menu that appears when you click in the unit field.

Click on image to enlarge it.

Pick and Collect offers you the option to import your products in bulk from an Excel file.

However, please make sure to use the Excel file we provide (see the first step of Excel import), as it is structured to fit our system perfectly.

To import your customized Excel file, click on the link ‘Click here’ below ‘Import my products into Pick and Collect’.

Click on image to enlarge it.

To import your Excel file, click on the ‘Browse…’ button and select it. Then click the blue ‘Import’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.

  1. Your products have now been successfully imported. If you wish, you can download the control file, which will include all the products you have imported.
  2. Click the blue ‘Back to Products’ button to return to your general dashboard.

Regular offers

You have created your first offer during the onboarding phase. You can edit it by clicking on the small black pencil and/or create another one by clicking ‘New Record’. As a reminder, regular offers are offers available regularly (e.g., multiple days per week).

The background color of your offer indicates:

  • GREEN: the offer is currently valid and online.
  • YELLOW (1): the offer is currently valid, but it is not online because the ‘Online’ checkbox is unchecked.
  • YELLOW (2): the offer’s validity period is in the future; the offer is not yet online.
  • RED: the offer’s validity period has expired, and the offer is no longer online.

Click on image to enlarge it.

If you want to create an occasional offer for a specific date (like Christmas Eve, for example), you need to activate this option in the ‘My Options’ submenu of the ‘My Pick and Collect’ menu (see illustration).

Click on image to enlarge it.

Occasional offers

You can see a summary table of the main options that are already active.

To add occasional offers, click on the small black pencil icon below the ‘Actions’ column.

Click on image to enlarge it.

  • Check the box to activate occasional offers.
  • Click the blue ‘Save’ button to save your choice.

Click on image to enlarge it.

Occasional offers are now accessible in the top menus.

Create your first occasional offer by clicking on the ‘New Record’ button.

Fill in your occasional offer just like you filled out your regular offer during onboarding.

However, you will notice a few differences:

Click on image to enlarge it.

  • By default, the priority is set to 1, but you can change it.
  • Check the ‘Festive Event’ box if you want your offer to be highlighted in golden color on the calendar visible to your customers.
  • Even if your occasional offer is scheduled far in advance, you can open orders right away so that the offer appears on your Pick and Collect.


  1. To make your offer visible on your Pick and Collect, check the ‘Online’ box.
  2. To allow online orders, check the ‘Online Ordering’ box. If it’s not checked, it means that the items in this offer are available for purchase only in-store and not orderable online.
  3. Click the blue ‘Save’ button to save your occasional offer.

Click on image to enlarge it.

Last thing to do: define the day(s) of your event.

  • Click the ‘+’ button (in the image above, you see a ‘-‘ because the area is already open).
  • An area opens up, and you click on the ‘New Record’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.

  • Click on the small calendar and set the date of your event.
  • Click the blue ‘Save’ button to save your choice.

If you want to set multiple days, repeat the process with the ‘New Record’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.


Thanks to this report, you can monitor the total orders from your customers, by date and by product. If you have activated the ‘I manage my suppliers’ option in the ‘My Options’ submenu of the ‘My Pick and Collect’ menu, the report will break down the total quantity of products by supplier.

If you wish, you can export this report in PDF or Excel by clicking on the ‘Export’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.

By customer

Thanks to this report, you can easily prepare the orders for each customer.

The lines are sorted by date, by customer, and by aisle. A valuable asset to avoid mistakes while optimizing your time.

If you wish, you can export this report in PDF or Excel by clicking on the ‘Export’ button.

Click on image to enlarge it.

By point of sale (only if you manage at least 2 points of sale)

Thanks to this report, you can monitor the total orders from your customers by date, by point of sale (if you have activated multiple ones), and by customer.

This allows you to optimize the preparation of your orders for delivery to your various points of sale.

Click on image to enlarge it.

My subscribers

Find here the list of your customers who have subscribed to your newsletter, in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Click on image to enlarge it.

My email

If you want to change the email address associated with your Pick and Collect account, click on the small black pencil icon in the ‘Actions’ column.

Click on image to enlarge it.

My contact information

If you want to change the contact information associated with your Pick and Collect account, click on the small black pencil icon in the ‘Actions’ column.

Click on image to enlarge it.

My business image

If you want to change the data of your business image (logo, slogan, social networks) associated with your Pick and Collect account, click on the small black pencil icon in the ‘Actions’ column.

Click on image to enlarge it.

My options

To modify your options, such as enabling multiple points of sale, click on the small black pencil icon in the ‘Actions’ column.

Basic options

  • If you manage multiple points of sale, check the box below ‘I manage at least 2 points of sale.’
  • If you want to manage your suppliers, check the box below ‘I manage my suppliers.
  • If you want to allow your customers to modify their order after confirming it, check the box below ‘My customers can modify their order via a link they receive in their confirmation email as long as the deadline is not exceeded, and stock is sufficient.’
  • If you want to encourage your customers to take advantage of your offers by sending them newsletters, check the box below ‘I use Pick and Collect’s automatic newsletter sending service‘.

Click on image to enlarge it.

My advanced options

  • Get more information for your points of sale by checking the box below ‘Points of Sale: I activate the ‘Miscellaneous’ section (possible deliveries, mandatory registration, bulk packaging)…
  • If you want to enable the option to display color badges to indicate that a product is new or on sale, check the box below ‘Products: I activate the ‘Miscellaneous‘ section (promotion, new products…)’
  • If you want to activate occasional (festive) offers, check the box below ‘I activate ‘Occasional (Festive) Offers’ in the ‘My Offers’ menu: allows you to create offers on specific dates and in the future outside the 14-day period covered by regular offers.
  • If you want to include or exclude a specific date in your regular offers (such as a regular closing day when you would be open on an exceptional basis), check the box below ‘I activate the advanced options for offers: the possibility to include or exclude a specific date in the cycle of regular offers, as well as manual management of the visibility of offers online’.